The Politics of Eurasia

Required Texts

Bassin, Mark and Gonzalo Pozo.  2017.  The Politics of Eurasianism:  Identity, Popular Culture and Russia's Foreign Policy.  London and New York:  Rowman & Littlefield. ($42 pbk; $44.50 Kindle) [April]

Hansen, Valerie.  2012.  The Silk Road:  A New History.  New York: Oxford University Press. ($22 pbk; $10 Kindle). [Buy this one first along with Roy book.]

Larue, Marlène.  2012.  Russian Eurasianism: An Ideology of Empire.  Baltimore:  Johns Hopkins University Press. ($30 pbk; $10 Kindle) [March]

Roy, Olivier.  2007.  The New Central Asia:  Geopolitics and the Birth of Nations.  New York and London:  New York University Press. ($27 pbk; no Kindle version as of Dec 2020 but many used copies available on Amazon for $7-16.) [Buy this one first along with Hansen book.]

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